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Tuesday 25 August 2009

3 Strikes: Here We Go Again

A little while back I blogged about how the Digital Britain report appeared to accept that delivery of government services by internet was so important that disconnection as a sanction for filesharing was a step too far. (For earlier discussions of Three Strikes and Amendment 138, see here, here, here and here.) Well, as is being extensively reported (Guardian, Technollama, BoingBoing) it now appears that there has been if not exactly a U-turn then certainly a sharp veer in the direction of harsher measures - 'harsher' meaning 'including disconnection from the internet'.

So what exactly is being said? This release from the Central Office of Information announces not new laws but rather a revised consultation process regarding sanctions for filesharing. It seems that following feedback from rightsholder organisations (and more on that below) HM Government has decided both that the original timescale - which would not have seen measures implemented until 2012 - was too long, and that it was wrong to rule out disconnection as a sanction.

What we now therefore have is a revised and extended consultation from the Dept of Business, Innovation and Skills (PDF here) seeking further input on a number of these issues. Some parts of this consultation particularly caught my eye. For example:

"Any technical measures deemed necessary and appropriate by the Secretary of State would be introduced by Ofcom via secondary legislation."

It's important to note that 'secondary legislation' means statutory instruments which are not voted on by MPs, although MPs can register objections to them - if they hear about them in advance amidst New Labour's avalanche of secondary legislation. In other words, our MPs won't be asked to vote on this.

"It would be important to ensure as far as possible that innocent people who may be affected by such technical measures would retain access to the Internet services they need, including online public services."

That's jolly nice to hear, although 'as far as possible' includes quite a lot. I may be being unduly cynical, but I can't help wondering if the terminals in local libraries (or as Tower Hamlets now calls them, 'Idea Stores') will be deemed to provide such essential access.

Then we get onto the question of measuring illicit filesharing and defining what is and isn't acceptable. The original plan was for a detailed study of this, on the basis that policy should be based on evidence. Actually, I take my earlier words back - here there is a blatant handbrake turn.

"Evidence – although we have no doubt Ofcom would have carried out their research under the original proposals in their usual thorough manner, measuring unlawful P2P activity across a range of networks and different content is extremely difficult."

This is what a former colleague of mine called 'filing in the TOO DIFFICULT' tray.'

"On reflection, using a precisely defined “trigger” as the basis for introducing technical measures would not be sufficiently flexible (for example it would not allow the wider health of the broadband or content markets to be taken into account), and under-estimated the inherent difficulties of measuring this unlawful activity with precision."

Or, to put it another way, drawing a line in the sand involves awkward questions about where the line should go...

"In reaching his decision, the Secretary of State will have to carefully weigh the evidence available to him and make any order on the basis of defendable information based largely but not exclusively on the reports from Ofcom." instead lets listen largely to Ofcom's general thoughts, plus input from other sources (I can't imagine who.)

"But even so, the Secretary of State can do this much quicker than the process which the regulator would have to go through if acting alone."

Because when a large rights organisation is breathing down your neck, speed, rather than accuracy, is of the essence!

Then we get onto talking about disconnection.

"Since the issue of the consultation some stakeholders have argued strongly that none of those technical measures is powerful enough to have a significant deterrent effect on infringing behaviour."

In other words, the self-appointed gamekeepers are not surprisingly complaining about being denied sufficiently big mantraps.

"Taking those points into account, although we continue to regard the uptake and use of Internet services as essential to a digital Britain, we are considering the case for adding suspension of accounts into the list of measures that could be imposed."

Translation: "Having been told that we're a bunch of wusses, the nuclear option is back on the table."

"...this step would obviously be a very serious sanction as it would affect all members of a household equally, and might disrupt access to other communications, so it should be regarded as very much a last resort."

I can't help but read this as a rearguard sop to the original conclusions of the Digital Britain Report. Once again though we have weasel words; it's all well and good to say that a measure should be 'regarded as very much a last resort' but will that be the case in practise? We lawyers are told to put our client's case at its highest; if disconnection is available, that's what we're going to be expected to push for.

"As ever we would need to ensure any such measure fully complied with both UK and EU legislation."

Well, that's all right then because we have Amendment 138 to the Telecoms Package to protect us. Except, that as the splendid and endlessly energetic Monica Horten has detailed over at, the EU Commission is trying very hard to water it down with, as Monica notes, UK Government support. In other words, the Government position is on the one hand that disconnection should be in accordance with UK and EU law, and on the other that UK and EU law should not preclude disconnection.

So where is all this coming from? A number of commentators have observed that only a few weeks ago Lord Mandelson dined with media mogul David Geffen (see this Times report from last week, which nicely anticipates today's developments). I'm not going to speculate, but it is hard to avoid the feeling that more than a little high-level lobbying may have been going on, as evidenced by that line in the new consultation document about how 'some stakeholders have argued strongly'.

As this BBC report explains, the latest proposals are causing considerable consternation, not least among the ISPs who may be forced to implement and enforce such measures, at considerable cost in time, money and in all likelihood customer satisfaction. What can we do? The Open Rights Group, for which I initially researched Amendment 138, is urging people concerned by these developments to write to their MPs. Another option comes out of the fact that, as I've noted above, this is still just a consultation. The DBIS is seeking comment on this proposal; now is the chance to make (reasoned and temperate, please) responses to it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Labour party is desperately short of funds and the media moguls have them. By the time this legistlation starts to bite Labour probably won't be in power, so most of the flack will hit whoever replaces them. Draw your own conclusions.